The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   01/30/2023

 Remember When? A "Harlow Report" From December 2, 2013

Apple Poised To Surpass Google In Indoor Location-Based Services

by Chantal Tode

Location-based services is shaping up to be a significant portion of the mobile industry going forward. While Apple has traditionally not been very strong here, the company is quietly making gains and could even surpass Google in one quickly growing area: indoor location.

Apple Maps was considered a major misstep after its launch last year was met with numerous customer complaints. Fast forward a year, and Apple Maps has gained 35 million users but, even more importantly, the company has introduced iBeacon and acquired WiFiSLAM, pointing to a major focus on indoor location.

“Google has interior mapping technology already built into Google Maps – that’s a place where they are still ahead of Apple, but I think that lead may not last long especially since Apple seems to have a plan about where they want to go, and it’s less obvious on the Google side what their plans is,” said Carl Howe, vice president of research at Yankee Group, Boston.

 Read full story at MarketingDIVE

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